Iain Cameron's Diary
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2005-07-26 - 11:27 a.m.

Lyc�a call�ng - w�th Turk�sh '�'s that confuse d�alogues.

Last year I pa�nted the v�ew out to sea - the headlands and the �slands - many t�mes. And s�nce then I have looked at those pa�nt�ngs and sketches many t�mes. So �t was strange to return and see that the place d�d more or less look l�ke the �mages I had stuck �n frames around the place.

Th�s t�me I have brought acryl�cs wh�ch I dont really know how to use. And so to get the hang I started by colour�ng a chart that I had been us�ng to th�nk about one of the next sequence of short stor�es.

Then I coloured �n a sketch of part of the Hatton fl�ght of locks on the Grand Un�on Canal �n Warw�cksh�re. And f�nally th�s morn�ng I pa�nted snake and mouse �slands out �n the bay.

V�ta has gone d�v�ng w�th two research chem�sts. The male half d�d postdoc �n the part of Canada that s just across the Detro�t R�ver. It was �n the early 90s - he sa�d the Cand�an techno scene was excellent �n those days - someth�ng I always suspected. He l�kes CC and D May too and has brought out a new young US s�ngersongwr�ter he l�kes - W�lly Mason I th�nk h�s name �s. They also got to see Telev�son at the Patt� Sm�th Meltdown. At least I could cla�m st�ll had the vyn�l of the f�rst two LPs and that the last electr�c band I was �n shaped �tself on the Verla�ne crew.

The barman st�ll has h�s Dav�d Sylv�an CD.

I have been read�ng about Prynne and the Movement and tak�ng notes by the pool. On the plane over I read some of a 1970 Pengu�n Anthology by E Luc�e-Sm�th and was surpr�sed how much I l�ke the sect�on on the Movement.

The art�cle I am read�ng dwells a lot on the parallels between JHP and Donald Dav�e. I was once went out w�th DDs god-daughter - as subsequently d�d Meck Beck, bassoon�st extraord�na�re - �ndeed �t �s thanks to her that I met MB - who helped carry me round to mus�cal abstract�on.

These poets seem to be very moral.

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